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What Moms AND Dads Need to Know About Attachment Theory and Children Who Come From “Hard Places” – follow up to keynote

What moms AND dads need to know about attachment theory and children who come from “hard places”?
Attachment theory is focused on the relationship and bond between parent(s) and child. Researchers have found that attachment patterns established early in life can lead to a number of outcomes. For example, children who are securely attached in utero and as infants tend to develop stronger self-esteem and better self-reliance as they grow older. These children also tend to be more independent, perform better in school, have successful social relationships, and experience less depression and anxiety.  Children who do not develop secure attachments experience the reverse outcomes.  Dr. Franklin will provide an update to current attachment theory research and share from his own parenting journey that perhaps many of our children suffer from attachment disorder, and some children could have behavior patterns similar to soldiers with PTSD.  Some of our children are conceived and born in “hard places”!
A continuation of the keynote, with more time for discussion, and questions and answers.

Speaker: Dr. Bernard Franklin

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