- Advanced Prosthetics
- Beginnings SC
- Capital City Therapy Group
- Developmental Duffle
- Dynavox
- Easter Seals of SC
- Family Connection of South Carolina
- Integrity Theray Services
- Jumpstart Pediatrics
- Level 4 Orthotics, Prosthetics, & Cranial Design
- Maxim Healthcare Services
- McCulloh Therapeutic Solutions
- Midlands Therapy Services
- Molina Healthcare
- Pediatria Health Care for Kids
- Pine Grove
- Proforma Impact Print & Promo
- Protection & Advocacy for People w/Disabilities
- SC Assistive Technology Program
- SC Autism Society
- Sprout Pediatrics
- Surestep
- The Therapy Place
- Thirty One Gifts
Please accept our invitation to partner with us in the 2014 South Carolina Early Intervention Conference. The goal of our July 17th event is to educate Early Intervention Professionals on statewide resources and new and innovative ways to serve children and families with special needs.
Early Interventionists in this state serve approximately 5000 families with children ages birth to six. As an exhibitor or sponsor you will have the opportunity to speak with these professionals and/or market the services your company provides. We have several ways that your company can participate in our event.
Sponsorship Levels:
We hope you will join us at the South Carolina Early Intervention Conference July 17th. Please complete the attached Vendor Form by June 30th so that we can reserve your space. Feel free to contact us with any questions at 803-929-1112 or via E-mail at [email protected].
Beth Bunge
Teri Todd
Shawn Thomas
SC Early Intervention Conference Vendor/Sponsor Application
July 17th, 2014
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Brookland Baptist Conference Center
1066 Sunset Boulevard
West Columbia, SC 29169